Privacy Policy

This website is operated by Well good water aid Community Interest Company (registered number 9796794)(“Well-good”)

If you have any concerns regarding your data and privacy you can contact us at

When we use the terms “Company”, “we”, “us”, “our” and “ours” in this privacy policy we are referring to Well-good.

When we use the terms “you”, “your” and “yours” when used in this privacy policy we are referring to you the reader of this privacy policy.


Your Personal Data and the way you and others (including here at Well-good) take care of that data is very important. We know that you will expect us to be committed to the security, privacy and confidentiality of information provided by you or on your behalf. We want to be sure that you are able to understand the Personal Data that we collect and what happens to that Personal Data whilst we hold or have access to the data.

 You will expect us to be transparent in our practices and be open with you in the unlikely event that things go wrong and something unexpected happens involving your Personal Data. With your help and that of any School you may be associated with we want to make sure that the Personal Data that we hold is always accurate and up to date. You will be able to check back with us and ask to see your Personal Data held by us at any time.

This privacy policy describes our current policies and practices with regard to any personal information collected by us whether from you directly, through the website or, if you are a Parent, Guardian or Carer, provided to us via a school with which we work.

What do we mean by “Personal Data”?

Personal information means any information which identifies you, and may include information such as your name, email address, telephone number and information specifically about you (and not any other person) that we either hold or have access to.

 Our Privacy Policy

How we manage Data Protection compliance.

 Having regard to our responsibilities to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation and other applicable laws, Grant Heppleston  oversees the compliance of our business with all data protection and e-privacy rules, and may be contacted at

 Notification of changes to our privacy policy

We are continually improving our methods of communication and adding new functionality and features to this website and to our existing services. Because of these ongoing changes, changes in the law and the changing nature of technology, our data protection practices will change from time to time. If and when our data protection practices change, we will update this privacy policy to describe our new practices. We encourage you to check this page regularly. This policy was last updated on 23rd of February 2021. We have updated this policy to recognise the responsibilities we will have under the General Data Protection Regulation and related UK data protection laws.

The Personal Data we collect

We only hold Personal Data which is directly relevant to our dealings with you and, where any processing we may subsequently undertake of that data can be carried out by us lawfully . That data will be held and processed in the way we describe within this Policy.

You may have been directed to this Policy through a weblink we provided you with. We make individuals aware of our policy in relation to our holding and any processing of that person’s data at the point of collection of the Personal Data concerned.

Third Parties

We will not share your data with third parties.

Educational establishments have access to data collected about the students registered via their authorisation details.

Parents have access to student data where the student has allowed access by logging the parent in to the parent registration page.

Well-good’s hosting service  is and their privacy policy can be found here…

How  we collect Personal Data

We may collect your Personal Data at the point you make an enquiry of Well-good. This includes any information you provide through our website. By completing any enquiry form that we offer to you we will communicate with you assuming that you are happy that we do so. We will invite you to consent to our retaining your information and the consent you can provide may be withdrawn at any time by contacting:

 Your personal details will initially be processed in these circumstances on the basis that it is in our legitimate interest to engage with individuals and organisations who are interested in Well-good our products and services and what we do within the education sector. Thereafter we will only retain your personal information if we are entitled to do so based upon you having freely consented to further communication or by you registering  on the website. When you indicate that you wish to receive information from us we will accordingly only retain your information on a basis that entitles us to thereafter hold and use that Personal Data with an express consent provided by you to us holding the data and for each purpose that we then intend to use that data.

Information collected in connection with registration – Educational establishments and Teachers

We will collect and process the following data about teachers (which include any staff engaged by the educational establishment who utilise the Platform) in connection with registration for the Platform. The information will be collected either from the person registering the educational establishment on behalf of the educational establishment, or you as the individual teacher (where the individual teacher has registered).

The information is collected within the Platform or as a result of any correspondence with us by phone, email, webform or otherwise.

The information which may be collected includes your name, e-mail address, password, educational establishment name, and (optionally) title .

Teachers are required to consent to our privacy policy each time they log in to the Teacher Zone Panel.

Information collected in connection with sign-in – Students

The Platform enables the educational establishments and/or teacher to make the services on the Platform available to students.

The students will only be able to access the Platform if the educational establishment/teacher has provided the student with the appropriate school’s authorisation password and to register,  the student will be required to enter their name, year group within the school and password. This information is collected from students in order for the student to be able to sign in to the platform, so that their activity on the platform (specifically the mathematics questions that they answer)  can be collected by well-good and made available to teachers within the educational establishment to which the student has been registered under (via the school’s authorisation password).

Please refer to the education establishment’s privacy policy to understand more about how the Personal Data captured is used in the course of the provision of education by that establishment.

It is the responsibility of each educational establishment or an individual teacher to ensure that any student to whom they intend to provide with the school’s authorisation password (including, without limitation, students under the age of 13) have, before any such school authorisation password is provided, obtained all necessary consents and permissions (from a parent and/or guardian) to use the Platform and for us to collect and process any user data. You are also reminded that upon a student attaining the age of 13 there is a legal requirement to retake consent directly from the student and we require the relevant School to secure that consent.

As a Teacher user you acknowledge and warrant that you have and will provide all requisite authority from, and on behalf of, the student including where relevant the parent/guardian of the student and on behalf of the educational establishment

  • for you to provide the Platform and make it available to student users;
  • to allow the student to use the Platform and
  • and to make any User Data available to us in connection with the use of the Platform on the terms set out in this privacy policy.

 Information collected in connection with day to day use of the Platform

Information will be collected in connection with day to day use of the Platform if the user chooses to share such information by logging into the website. Note that students may use the website without logging in, thereby avoiding the collection of this data.

The most recent login activity timestamp is collected.

The number of questions correctly answered is collected.

The number of incorrectly answered is collected.

The type of questions (topics) answered correctly/incorrectly are collected.

High scores are collected when ‘games’ are played.

Information collected in connection with registration –well-good  for Parents

Information will be collected from the person registering at the point of registration.

The information which may be collected includes your name, e-mail address, password, title and relationship to student.

Information collected in connection with sign-in – A parent will be requested to confirm the identity of pupils or students who are users of the Platform (“Well-good Users”) and who are to be associated with your registration. You are responsible for ensuring that the individuals you identify are aware that you are creating the registration and that where the individual is 13 years or older in the process of registering you warrant that you hold the consent of that individual to provide the relevant information. Where the child is under 13 years of age you warrant that in providing any consent you are a parent or carer of that individual and are accordingly entitled to exercise the required consent.

In order for a parent to register, the student will need to log in the parent registration page using their own login details, before the parent can begin registering.

Other information we collect and use.

We hold a record of individuals who contact us for assistance with the use of the platform. This may include details of name, education establishment name and email address.

To administer events that we organise (including online events) we will use information provided at the point of registration to advise of the event prior to it being held. We may also contact you afterwards to encourage you to provide us with feedback relating to the event you have attended.

Keeping your Personal Data up to Date

Where we keep in touch with you to give you information about Well-good and our services we ask that you from time to time to check the Personal Data that we hold and we will be glad to up date that in accordance with your wishes.

Unsubscribe and Right to have Personal Data Deleted

 Where you have consented to contact being made by us with you for any of the purposes mentioned above but you no longer wish to receive emails from us or wish to change your selections as to how or what our contact with you should be please email us at the address given in section 1 with “Email Unsubscribe” in the subject heading. We will act upon this as soon as practicable.

If you choose to unsubscribe from our mailing lists we will only make contact with you again in circumstances where you have consented to our being re-provided with your information and that contact is authorised by you.

Links to other websites

Our website may contain hyperlinks to websites that are not operated by us. We urge you to review any privacy policy posted on any site you visit before using the site or providing any personal information about yourself.

Transfer of data

If you are visiting this website from a country other than the country in which our servers are currently located (in the United Kingdom) the various communications will necessarily result in the transfer of information across international boundaries. By visiting this website and communicating electronically with us, you consent to the processing and transfer of your personal information as set out in this privacy policy.

Cookies Policy.

Neither well-good nor our platform’s hosting service ( add cookies or other tracking content onto our visitor’s browsers.

Your rights

Under certain circumstances, you have rights under data protection laws in relation to your personal data. These include the following rights:

The right to request access to your personal data;

The right to request correction of your personal data;

 The right to request erasure of your personal data;

The right to object to processing of your personal data;

 The right to request restriction of processing your personal data;

The right to request the transfer of your personal data;

The right to withdraw consent.

You can find out more about your rights at the Information Commissioner’s Office website:

If you wish to exercise any of the rights set out above, please contact us via Grant Heppleston,

 You will not have to pay a fee to access your personal data (or to exercise any of your other rights). However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive or excessive. Alternatively, we may refuse to comply with your request in these circumstances.

We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to access your personal data (or to exercise any of your other rights).

This is a security measure to ensure that personal data is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it. We may also contact you to ask you for further information in relation to your request to speed up our response.

We try to respond to all legitimate requests within one month. Occasionally it may take us longer than a month if your request is particularly complex or you have made a number of requests. In this case, we will notify you and keep you updated. If you wish to complain If you have any concerns about the way Well-good handles your Personal Data please do contact us at

 We will take any concerns you have very seriously. Alternatively, you are entitled to contact the Information Commissioners Office –